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Daily Missions 2007

Dressed and Ready for the Day. = 5 points

Make a bed. =10 points

Swish a toilet. =5 points

Shine bathroom sink and quick wipe bathroom countertop. = 25 points.

Load of Dishes =  25 points

Load of Laundry =   25 points

Vacuum, sweep, or mop a floor. =   25 points

Take out Trash =  5 points per bag or can.

Plan and make breakfast or lunch. = 10 points

Plan and Make dinner one night.=   25 points

Fling it or Toss it Away! = 5  points per item flung or donated.

Hot Spots or Two- Minute Tangos = 10 points with a limit of 10 per day.

Shine or Clean kitchen sink =  25 points

Room Rumbles 5 minutes =   35 points

Area or Zone cleaning 15 minutes =   75 points

Lay out clothes for tomorrow= 5 points per set

Written TO DO list = 25 points for the list and 5 points per item completed.

Hobby Time or ME Time= 75 points for 15 minutes

Home Office Management = 100 points for 15 minutes (finances, meal planning and scheduling)

Special Challenges= One a day a for 100 points. 


Water is good for you.  (10 points per 8 oz. not to exceed 100 points.) Water consumption should be determined by your body mass and many other factors.  If you are in double about how much water you should consume than please consult your family doctor.

Get Moving Points=

10 minutes of cardio exercise that is not housework related will be worth  50 points.

10 minutes of strength training will be worth 75 points.

10 minutes of continuous general cleaning is worth 25 points.


If you complete the equivalent of 30 minutes of cardio 2 times per week and 20 minutes of strength training per week then give yourself a 200 points bonus.  This is below the amount that is recommended for the average woman.  So it is a worthy goal to reach.  Again this is a Challenge that needs a physician’s guidance before attempting. 

*If you have health concerns then please do not attempt this part of the challenge.  See a doctor and have him or her decide on your best routine and use their recommendation for your routines and bonus.

Healthy Eating: 25 points per day of keeping up with your food journal.

Happy Homemaking and Happy You!




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