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Tally Up Those Points! 


The Purple Chat and Challenge Monthly Mission and Challenge Points


Add your name or handle to the database.  Then add your points.  Each day or whenever you have the time take your total from the day before and add the points you have accumulated.  Don’t forget to add your bonus points.  Please remember this is not a race but a personal goal.

At times PCC has the mega PCCX challenge.  This challenge was designed by Amanda (moderator) and other members of PCC. This challenge gives you the chance to earn mega points while readying your home for each season.   

You can also earn points for taking care of yourself.  This includes points for exercise, heavy cleaning and getting in your daily water.  If you take care of yourself running the home will be much easier. (Yet, still a really big challenge!)

There are more opportunities throughout each month to earn extra points.  We often share recipes, helpful websites and answer silly and useful polls.

So get the pen and paper or spreadsheet running and join us in the fun!


Come join the fun at Purple Chat and Challenge!

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Purple Chat And Challenge